It should be obvious that an improperly-sized bike can lead to back pain or other physical issues, but many people select a new bike based on price point and tend to downplay the importance of the bike's dimensions and ergonomics. After proper diagnosis the doctor prescribes the right course of treatment which may include any one or all of drugs, an exercise regime and surgery. Hi Steve, I’m a 21 (6’4″, 77kg) year old college student and have been riding bikes for about 7 years. Pain on the bike is most often due to a poor bike fit. And of the 80 percent of people who experience back pain, 38 percent claim it impacts how they exercise. Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work, and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Most people have back pain at least once. The Exerpeutic 300SR Folding Recumbent Bike happens to be one of the best recumbent exercise bikes with good back support. This past year, however, I’ve committed myself to a higher training volume and have been competing. Biking may be a good exercise option for many reasons: Biking is less jarring to the spine than many other forms of aerobic exercise, such as jogging or aerobics class. Whether you are cycling the Giro d’Italia or going for a gentle family bike ride, avoiding injury is always a good plan. Because of this, many stationary bikes have been developed with back pain sufferers in mind. >>> Lower back pain and cycling “Tightness in the thoracic spine also really affects digestion, and breathing – because it stops the ribcage being able to move as it should. If that doesn’t work, see a fit specialist to check for poor bike fit and leg-length discrepancy Numb hands Keep an eye out for future articles where I will be covering some great exercises to help strengthen the lower back for cyclists. This can be seen with excessive hip movement while riding, and it can alter your position on the bike when you’re tired. Biking is a popular form of aerobic exercise, and is often a favored form of exercise by people with low back pain conditions. Incorporate planks, side planks, dead bugs, and four-point superman exercises into your gym routine for increased core strength that helps protect your lower back. Kim Burton et al., European guidelines for prevention in low back pain. I just started biking again for the first time in YEARS, and after my bike ride today (a whopping 12 miles) my lower back started hurting pretty badly! If you like riding on rough terrain, don’t buy a road racing bike. It is often difficult to treat lower back pain that riders regularly suffer with, here are a few tips to help youstay comfortable while riding! References. The most common is bike fit, then bike fit and then bike fit. 2. While I’ve absolutely managed… Ideally, a bike should be customized to your body, but that can get pretty expensive.

November 2004., accessed 2 July, 2013. and for reference i am a 19 year old girl who would take weekly spin classes back when i was on campus- so i didn’t think i was completely inexperienced.

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