For the rule of law, the Constitution, to exist, its meaning must remain static. He quotes Harlold Koh, legal expert, as defining the concept as a “flexible pragmatism that views the Constitution as a living document … The concept that the Constitution is a living documents was created by Democrats as a means to bypass the Amendments process and strip you of your rights while growing the powers of Government to rule over you.

"The Constitution is not a living document," he said.

The late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia said it best when he declared, “The Constitution is not a living organism… it’s a legal document.” Liberal professors and students will often bash conservatives when they stand up for an orginalist interpretation of the United States Constitution …

Originalism and trying to figure out precisely what the ratified document means is the only option, otherwise you're just telling judges to govern, Scalia argued.

The major risk is the possibility that the Supreme Court might move away from the well-worn view of the Constitution as a “living, breathing document” and towards the mistaken view that courts should instead interpret the Constitution according to its “original intent“.

Perhaps the Constitution doesn't change, but what does change is how we read the words and the words seem to change with the times. The Constitution of the United States is referred to as a "living document" because it the architects of the document intended for it to be adapted by future generations. is a document that does not restrain the judiciary from deciding whatever it thinks good.

"It is a legal document."

For the rule of law, the Constitution, to exist, its meaning must remain static. In 1789, the population of the United States was under four million. By Steve Feinstein.

Lynch: Constitution is not a living document. It is not a living document, evolving and conforming to changing times or experiences. It is just some gauzy ideas that appeal to the judges who happen to be in power at a particular time and that they impose on the rest of us. The Constitution is also … So a living Constitution becomes not the Constitution at all; in fact it is not even law any more. Our Founding Fathers may not have known how technology would evolve, or, that we would experience a Civil War, but they did know that the Constitution would need to adapt to changes in culture. The Constitution of the United States is a living document because it was written to be adapted by future generations. The Constitution is the longest surviving document of its kind in history and the reasons for it are found within the document itself. To claim that the constitution is a living document that evolves on its own with the times is to say that there is no constitution and you have no constitutional rights. A living Constitution changes an essential dynamic. It is because it is adaptable, that amendments could be ratified, or added to it. Constitution refers to a set of rules or provisions upon which the governance of a nation-state is based upon.

The Constitution of the United States is referred to as a "living document" because it the architects of the document intended for it to be adapted by future generations. It is not a living document, evolving and conforming to changing times or experiences. POL 120.0901 9/13/2014 Why the constitution is considered a “living document” The Constitution is a set of rules and regulations building up a document that provides explanations regarding the guiding principles of a country and which guarantees all citizens their rights (Amar 27). Should the Constitution Be a Living Document? “I firmly believe the American Constitution is a living document intended to evolve as our country evolves. The Constitution is also … NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the Constitution is not a living document and should not be rewritten each year by the unelected justices of the Supreme Court. The constitution of a country therefore represents the supreme law, representing the basic and fundamental law of the land. At the time of our founding, African-Americans were enslaved.

But now that the Constitution is considered to be a document that is living and evolving, the courts don’t even have to resort to deception — they can simply interpret the meaning to be anything they want.

In other words, a constitution is an agreed upon document which establishes the basis on which the […] Today, we’re 325 million and growing.

Indeed, on closer inspection, the "living Constitution!' In The American Constitution and The Debate over Originalism, Dennis Goldford defines the concept of a living breathing document. Or maybe Jefferson said it better, "No society can make a perpetual Constitution or even a perpetual law." Reject it. The Debate Over Constitutional Originalism Just Got Ugly A vicious new claim is circulating that there’s only one lawful way for Supreme Court justices to interpret the Constitution. It is because it is adaptable, that amendments could be ratified, or added to it.

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