The perspective of a Project Manager - everything is under control! Scrum Master vs Project Manager. Many project managers either choosing the role of scrum master themselves or getting asked to take this role by an organization when organizations decide to use Scrum to develop products. Note That: There is a time or place for a project manager in the large projects. In Agile, the Product Owner leads much of the planning and prioritizing. Scrum Master and the Product Owner are the two vital roles in the Scrum software development methodology.

The product owner and the scrum master, both have the same objective of adding value to project management. The Project Manager leads the planning and execution of the project. Both Scrum Master and Project Manager need essential skill set and years of experience and practice to ace. Scrum is one of the renowned Agile methodologies. In the Agile world of minimum marketable features (MMF’s), product backlogs, and continuous integration, the lines of the traditional project have now been blurred. However, these two roles are defined very differently from each other.

Scrum Master shield the team from any interference. The Scrum Master plays a support role for the scrum team. Each role has its share of responsibilities. Some responsibilities go to the product owner, some to the Scrum Master, and some to the team in general. These roles are all about commitment. Scrum master Cooperate with the Organization, to track the company’s progress and process. Comparison is a natural thing to do in order to relate what I am doing now and what I … A good Scrum master has a Project management, Engineering, Designing, Testing background and disciplines. The ideas behind the product owner's role and Agile management philosophy grew out of and expanded on ideas developed in the Waterfall method. Fundamentally, I think the root cause of the debate is not based on scrum master versus project manager responsibilities but based on our fundamental definition of a project. Project Manager has the responsibility to deliver project scope within an established time and budget. Project Managers work with the Waterfall methodology, when in Scrum all team members share the duty of manager. When comparing the difference between a Project Manager and Scrum Master, the Project Manager has more of a leadership role than a Scrum Master. The agile methodology consists of 4 main roles, viz. A Project Manager seeks inputs from the client or other stakeholders including management or interested party. In this article, I will focus mostly on Product Owner. When you switch from Waterfall to Agile, the responsibilities of the project manager are split among a variety of team members. Project manager can coordinate with multiple teams, help them to meet project timelines and collaborate when resources are required. Scrum Master assists a Product Owner to manage the product backlog. He helps his team to understand self-management and cross-functionality.

The way a project manager or product owner tackles a project should be flexible, but there are always going to be some concrete differences in the attack.

While product owner looks at the project from the customer’s perspective, scrum masters solely focuses on the team and its operations. Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum team and Stakeholder. Product Owner vs. Scrum Master. The Project manager can cover multiple teams and can work with other dependent teams as well. For example, the Scrum Master will now focus on the process but the product owner will prioritize features.

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