Does this select statement perform index scan (which should do) or do FTS which is wrong? Oracle PL/SQL provides the functionality of fetching the records in bulk rather than fetching one-by-one. BULK COLLECT: BULK COLLECT Syntax Does bulk collect clause in PL/SQL code make any changes on execution plan? The larger the number of rows you would like to collect with Oracle bulk collect, the more performance improvement you will see using an Oracle bulk collect. Free Oracle Magazine Subscriptions and Oracle White Papers: Oracle Bulk Collection & FORALL: Version 11.1: Array Processing: Note: Without the bulk bind, PL/SQL sends a SQL statement to the SQL engine for each record that is inserted, updated, or deleted leading to context switches that hurt performance. This BULK COLLECT can be used in 'SELECT' statement to populate the records in bulk or in fetching the cursor in bulk. Example. Code Listing 1: Using BULK COLLECT with LIMIT clause During an Oracle bulk collect, the SQL engine retrieves all the rows and loads them into the collection and switches back to the PL/SQL engine. BULK COLLECT reduces context switches between SQL and PL/SQL engine and allows SQL engine to fetch the records at once. With Oracle bulk collect, the PL/SQL engine tells the SQL engine to collect many rows at once and place them in a collection. Thanks, Bogy To help you avoid such errors, Oracle Database offers a LIMIT clause for BULK COLLECT. One method of fetching data is an Oracle bulk collect. Example: select a bulk collect into v_a from table_abcd t where t.col_1 = 'aaa' and t.col_2 = 5; Let us say that we have index on a t.col_1 and t.col_2. Collections, BULK COLLECT and FORALL are the new features in Oracle 8i, 9i and 10g PL/SQL that can really make a different to you PL/SQL performance. When rows are retrieved using Oracle bulk collect, context switch happens only once. Suppose that, for example, there could be tens of thousands of employees in a single department and my session does not have enough memory available to store 20,000 employee IDs in a collection.
Consequently, you should avoid this sort of "unlimited" use of BULK COLLECT. Bulk Binds (BULK COLLECT & FORALL) and Record Processing in Oracle This article is an update of one written for Oracle 8i ( Bulk Binds ) which includes new features available in Oracle 9i Release 2 …

Instead, move the SELECT statement into an explicit cursor declaration and then use a simple loop to fetch many, but not all, rows from the table with each execution of the loop body, as shown in Listing 1.

Oracle Bulk Collect. So there you go.

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